Registration for AMUN XXIV is closed!
The secretariat for AMUN XXV has been chosen and will be releasing details soon.
The Secretary-General of AMUN XXV is: Krystal Jiang
Questions? [email protected] | [email protected]
Secretariat, Conference Policies, and Committees
Letter from the Secretary-General
Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,
Welcome to the twenty-fourth Academy Model United Nations! The very first AMUN happened in 1999, and in the last two decades, AMUN fostered the perfect environment for delegates in the New York City Metropolitan Area to debate global issues. I am honored to serve as the twenty-fourth Secretary-General of AMUN, and I am sure that this will be one of the greatest AMUNs to date!
This year’s AMUN will continue the tradition of debate garnered for experienced and new delegates. Consisting of 11 committees, we truly believe that we have a topic that will cater to all delegates. From topics such as the Ethics of Drones in Warfare to The Sokovia Accords from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, delegates of all experience levels will be pushed to devise creative solutions and collaborate amongst themselves.
In order to further encourage collaboration, this year’s AMUN will include 2 double delegate committees, one of which is a specially designated novice committee, dedicated for beginner delegates.
I am excited to announce that after 2 years, we will finally be hosting an in-person AMUN! The last few years have been difficult in regards to the pandemic, and we are eternally grateful to all the delegations who have continued to attend AMUN.
We cannot wait to see you all debate this February!
Aminah Sarowar
Secretary-General, AMUN XXIV
[email protected] | [email protected]
Welcome to the twenty-fourth Academy Model United Nations! The very first AMUN happened in 1999, and in the last two decades, AMUN fostered the perfect environment for delegates in the New York City Metropolitan Area to debate global issues. I am honored to serve as the twenty-fourth Secretary-General of AMUN, and I am sure that this will be one of the greatest AMUNs to date!
This year’s AMUN will continue the tradition of debate garnered for experienced and new delegates. Consisting of 11 committees, we truly believe that we have a topic that will cater to all delegates. From topics such as the Ethics of Drones in Warfare to The Sokovia Accords from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, delegates of all experience levels will be pushed to devise creative solutions and collaborate amongst themselves.
In order to further encourage collaboration, this year’s AMUN will include 2 double delegate committees, one of which is a specially designated novice committee, dedicated for beginner delegates.
I am excited to announce that after 2 years, we will finally be hosting an in-person AMUN! The last few years have been difficult in regards to the pandemic, and we are eternally grateful to all the delegations who have continued to attend AMUN.
We cannot wait to see you all debate this February!
Aminah Sarowar
Secretary-General, AMUN XXIV
[email protected] | [email protected]