In the UN General Assembly, all 193 member states of the United Nations discuss pressing matters of international peace and security. At JAMUN, these committees will encompass up to 40 delegates, our largest committees. Delegates must balance their own interests with those of allies, adversaries, and the committee as a whole to successfully pass resolutions.
The Regional Bodies and Economic and Social Councils represent a diverse group of international forums. The World Health Organization promotes development, health security, and mitigating health emergencies. The United Nations Office For Outer Space Affairs promotes and facilitates peaceful international cooperation in outer space. These committees are smaller, and will tackle distinct issues with a more specific focus than the General Assemblies.
Specialized committees are smaller, more intimate settings which allow delegates to participate in engaging simulations of real historical events. In these specialized committees, or specs, delegates will represent not countries, but individual historical figures. While grappling with complex international problems is certainly one aspect of Model UN, another equally important part is gaining deeper insight and perspective into how leaders, both past and present, balance interests and make decisions. At JAMUN, we would like to nurture this aspect of MUN through our own specialized committees, which touch on topics outside the scope of “normal” committees.